Salou Pharmacies (hours and locations)

Salou Pharmacies (hours and locations)


If you have landed in the paradisiacal Salou, you may need to know where the pharmacies in Salou to buy medicines or health items. Don't worry! Here you have a guide that will fall like a glove.

What will you find in this article?

Pharmacies in Salou: Sentinels of Your Well-being

The pharmacies in Salou not only provide you with medicines, but also with advice and products that will help you maintain the type during your stay.

Guard Pharmacies in Salou (open 24 hours a day)

In an emergency, it is useful to know the nearest on-call pharmacy. These pharmacies offer services outside of normal business hours.

These pharmacies listed below are open 24 hours a day.

24 hour pharmacies in Salou

The 24-hour pharmacies in Salou vary depending on the day. Basically, the hours are distributed among the different pharmacies of the municipality.

Check the file posted above to find the pharmacy on duty open 24 hours a day.

What are you offering?

Pharmacies in Salou offer a wide range of services and products, such as prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, skin care products and more. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the Fierabrás balm for any ailment.

Expert Tips

Pharmacists in Salou are well versed in the art of medicine. Do not hesitate to ask them if you have any concerns about medications or health in general.

Pharmacies Salou 24 hours (hours and locations)

Find a Pharmacy in Salou

If you are wondering how to find a pharmacy in Salou, we have the answer!

Pharmacy Location

You can use Google Maps to find nearby pharmacies. Just type “pharmacies in Salou” and they will pop up like mushrooms after the rain.

Frequent questions

1. Do I need a prescription to buy medicines in Salou pharmacies?

It depends on the medicine. Some require a prescription, while others are sold over the counter.

2. Do they speak English in the pharmacies in Salou?

Many pharmacies in Salou have staff who speak English, since it is a tourist area.

3. Do pharmacies in Salou sell skin care products?

Yes, most pharmacies offer a wide range of skin care products.

4. Can I find medicines for allergies in pharmacies in Salou?

Yes, pharmacies in Salou usually have a selection of medicines for allergies.

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Sergi Llop Penella

Our mission is to provide our visitors with valuable and up-to-date information so that they can plan their holidays in Salou effectively and without worries. We work tirelessly to make sure that all the information we provide is accurate, useful, and up-to-date.

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