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News about Salou

84 articles

The Walkability Divide: Europe vs. America

As a passionate traveler, I’ve explored numerous cities across Europe and the United States over the past few years, meticulously tracking my physical activity with my Apple Watch. During these travels, I noticed a significant difference in my activity levels:…

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Consejos para mantenerte en forma

Si tenías tomada ya la decisión de empezar a entrenar o activarte en este 2024, es posible que ya te hayas dado cuenta de que mantener este compromiso, ya sea a diario o a largo plazo, es bastante difícil. La…

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Visa ESTA: Tu Puerta de Entrada a Estados Unidos

El Programa de Exención de Visa (Visa Waiver Program, VWP) permite a ciudadanos de ciertos países viajar a Estados Unidos por turismo o negocios por estancias de 90 días o menos sin obtener una visa. En este contexto, la Autorización…

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“Going here is like finding an oasis”

“These days it is very hot. You don't sleep well. And here it is very good temperature. It is much colder than at home”, teaches Pilar Tabeni, 81, from between the tables of the Casal Cívic i Comunitari Reus-La Rambla.…

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The works of the Pòsit de Cambrils hotel continue stopped

In a few weeks the projects will return to the hotel in the Plaza del Pòsit in Cambrils. Four months ago now, the developer company and the construction company in charge of the venture settled their financial problems and chose to resume the venture they had been carrying...

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